Many companies go through strategic planning sessions without a clue or a clear idea how this should be conducted -- resulting to wasteful time, effort, resources and poor planning output. Strategic planning is the process that enables a company to define its strategy and allows it to articulate the courses of action it will take to effectively and efficiently pursue its vision. The best plans happen when you have a systematic planning process that is done the right way. Jumpstart your planning sessions correctly with the beginning of the planning season this mid-year or third quarter in preparation for 2017. Where we once look at 100 million Filipinos as a market, we should now do our strategic plan based on 700-plus million consumers. The Center for Global Best Practices will hold a pioneering one-day seminar entitled, “ Best Practices on How to Conduct Strategic Planning and PrepareStrategic Action Plans ” to be held on Thursday, August 11, 2016 at the EDS...
Seminar News and Events in Accounting, Business, Law, Marketing, Human Resource, Administration, and Trade by the Center for Global Best Practices Foundation