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Mastering English for Law Students, Bar Examinees and Professionals

The Center for Global Best Practices will be conducting a seminar entitled “Mastering English: For Law Students & Bar Examinees” on Tuesday & Wednesday, May 24 & 25, 2011 at the Pearl Manila Hotel. The principal job of a lawyer and a professional is to communicate and persuade and English is their primary weapon in accomplishing this mission. The proficiency in communicating in this language is indispensable in law school and in the actual law and professional practice. Correct grammar and English usage are critical in writing with clarity, precision, and conciseness.  This seminar is designed to boost and improve one’s ability to write, express, and speak English clearly.  For more details, visit or call (02) 556-8968/69 (Manila) or (032) 512-3106 or 512-3107 (Cebu).

This pioneering program seeks to fill the need of law students and professionals in increasing their command of the English language, as well as legal writing. This program is applicable to college students, law students, bar examinees, aspiring lawyers, and professionals.  Attending this learning event is an investment that is worth a lifetime of reward. 

Featured in this seminar is Atty. Jim V. Lopez, one of the country’s most prolific writers. He is the only author who has won the National Book Awards three times, which is awarded by the Manila Critics Circle and the National Book Development Board. He has authored five bestselling books, Judgment Proof: Philippine Asset Protection Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, The Law on Annulment of Marriage, Immigration Law, and the freshly-published book, How to Excel in Law School.

Atty. Lopez graduated from the U.P. College of Law in 1978. He passed the California bar exams and took up post graduate studies at Harvard Law School, University of California (Hastings), and the University of Southern California. In 1990, he was cited in the Who’s Who In American Law, a publication containing biographies of leading attorneys and other legal professionals. He was vice-dean of Lyceum College of Law, 2005 to 2008 and is currently the director of legal programs at the Center for Global Best Practices.  He will be joined as a lecturer by another acclaimed winner of the National Book Award, Jose A. Carillo who authored the recently published book, English Plain and Simple.


  1. Wow!.. Galing Ni Atyy. Jim Lopez!..
    Professor ko Yan!..
    - Jandel


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