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Showing posts from May, 2011

What Audit Committees Do or Don't Do

A crucial part of a board’s effectiveness is to fully understand the function of its audit committee whose chairmanship is normally assigned to a board director. With the SEC’s mandatory requirement for corporations’ board of directors to practice good corporate governance comes the importance of having a functioning audit committee headed by a member of the board.  With this in consideration, the Center for Global Best Practices has come up with a program called “ Board Directors’ Guide for Audit Committees ” to help board chairpersons, directors, members of top management, CFOs, auditors, and accountants understand what audit committees do and don’t do. The event will be held on July 21 & 22, 2011 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City. This CPE-accredited program is a very useful guide that includes the top 10 best practices for audit committees, how to craft the working program and agenda aligned with the audit committee charter, how it should relate to the board and h

What Audit Committees Do or Don't Do

A crucial part of a board’s effectiveness is to fully understand the function of its audit committee whose chairmanship is normally assigned to a board director. With the SEC’s mandatory requirement for corporations’ board of directors to practice good corporate governance comes the importance of having a functioning audit committee headed by a member of the board.  With this in consideration, the Center for Global Best Practices has come up with a program called “ Board Directors’ Guide for Audit Committees ” to help board chairpersons, directors, members of top management, CFOs, auditors, and accountants understand what audit committees do and don’t do. The event will be held on July 21 & 22, 2011 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City. This CPE-accredited program is a very useful guide that includes the top 10 best practices for audit committees, how to craft the working program and agenda aligned with the audit committee charter, how it should relate to the board and h

What Audit Committees Do or Don't Do

A crucial part of a board’s effectiveness is to fully understand the function of its audit committee whose chairmanship is normally assigned to a board director. With the SEC’s mandatory requirement for corporations’ board of directors to practice good corporate governance comes the importance of having a functioning audit committee headed by a member of the board.  With this in consideration, the Center for Global Best Practices has come up with a program called “ Board Directors’ Guide for Audit Committees ” to help board chairpersons, directors, members of top management, CFOs, auditors, and accountants understand what audit committees do and don’t do. The event will be held on July 21 & 22, 2011 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City. This CPE-accredited program is a very useful guide that includes the top 10 best practices for audit committees, how to craft the working program and agenda aligned with the audit committee charter, how it should relate to the board and h

Property Owners’ Guide on How to Eject Squatters Effectively

In relation to the growing problems on illegal dwellers in the country, the Center for Global Best Practices is holding a seminar called “ Property Owners’ Guide on How to Eject Squatters Effectively ” to help property owners reclaim their lands. This one day seminar is a definitive guide on how to efficiently utilize ejectment actions and available provisional remedies as effective tools in the speedy recovery of your land and/ or building. This CEP-accredited program is especially crafter for property owners and brokers, land developers, bankers and financiers, lawyers and lessors, building administrators, law enforcement officers, business consultants, anyone seeking an effective solution to illegal tenants and dwellers. The lecture will include special laws of great concern to land owners and developers such as Republic Act No. 6552 (Maceda Law) that governs sales on instalment of real property; Presidential Decree No. 1517 (Urban Land Reform Law); Republic Act No. 7279 (Lina La

Seminar on Financial Processes and Controls

Fake financial transactions, embezzlements, fraud and theft are some of the most rampant and leading causes of losses & business failures due to weak and ineffective internal controls. To help businesses and board directors avoid these threats in their businesses, the Center for Global Best Practices is conducting a seminar on “ Best Practices in Financial Processes and Controls ” on July 1, 2011 at The Peninsula Manila,  Makati City. This one-day seminar will present best practices in how to design and implement controls that will safeguard assets, enhance integrity of financial reports, and protect industries from business operational risks. Discussions will include best practices framework on financial processes and controls, operational policies, and business examples.  This seminar will cater to business leaders, board directors, entrepreneurs, CFOs, accountants, stakeholders,  consultants, MNCs, SMEs, and cooperatives. To speak on this seminar is Mr. Roderick M. Danao, CP

CGBP to Hold Seminar on How to Really Read Financial Statements

As a business decision-maker, it is important to know how to read financial statements and interpret the numbers correctly in order to make right decisions for your business. This is also important to make sense of financial ratios and detect if there are inconsistencies in financial reports.  Because of the need for board directors and business decision makers to know this, the Center for Global Best Practices will conduct  a seminar called “ How to Really Read Financial Statements ” on June 23 & 24, 2011 at The Peninsula Manila, Makati City. This two-day seminar will teach you all that including how to spot important issues and ask intelligent questions in management and board meetings. This user-friendly format will teach you to understand not only balance sheets, income and cash flow statements, but also how to interpret those footnotes and disclosures on audit reports. You will learn how to make sense of those financial ratios and analysis to know if you have a healthy busine