Fake financial transactions, embezzlements, fraud and theft are some of the most rampant and leading causes of losses & business failures due to weak and ineffective internal controls. To help businesses and board directors avoid these threats in their businesses, the Center for Global Best Practices is conducting a seminar on “Best Practices in Financial Processes and Controls” on July 1, 2011 at The Peninsula Manila,
Makati City.
This one-day seminar will present best practices in how to design and implement controls that will safeguard assets, enhance integrity of financial reports, and protect industries from business operational risks. Discussions will include best practices framework on financial processes and controls, operational policies, and business examples.
This seminar will cater to business leaders, board directors, entrepreneurs, CFOs, accountants, stakeholders,
consultants, MNCs, SMEs, and cooperatives.
To speak on this seminar is Mr. Roderick M. Danao, CPA, who is the assurance partner and concurrently Learning and Education and Audit methodology leader of Isla Lipana and Co/PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

seminars sponsored by SEC, PICPA, TMAP, PCCI and other firms.
For more details on the seminar, visit www.cgbp.org or call Zennie Escudero at (+63 2) 556-8968/69 (Mla) or (+63 32) 512-3106/07 (Cebu).
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