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Best Practices In the Preparation, Defenses and Remedies of SALN

Don’t be a victim! If you are a public official, part of a GOCC, or a candidate running for public office, take your Statement of Assets, abilities and Networth (SALN) seriously and invest in preparing it correctly.

Graft and corruption cases are filed against many public officials and government employees due to their erroneous SALN. More than 70% of them do not take to heart the preparation and filing of their SALNs. You should. A president was ousted in office while another one is on trial. Chief justice impeached. Senate president out on bail, senators in jail, congressmen and other public officials with cases in the Ombudsman and the Sandiganbayan – all accused of graft and unexplained wealth with their questionable Statement of Assets Liabilities and Networth (SALN).

      This has caused the freezing and forfeiture of their assets, downfall of leaders with their impeachment/ conviction and removal from office while others are in jail awaiting completion of their trial with their reputation sullied and destroyed. Many of them rely on their accountants or even secretaries to prepare it. Many are not skilled to prepare it.

With the clamour of many public official to help them on this, the Center for Global Best Practices is launching a pioneering seminar entitled, "Best Practices in the Preparation, Defensesand Remedies of SALN ", scheduled on Friday, June 24, 2016 at The EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. For details and a complete list of best practices seminars including Revised General Instructions for Automated Elections (April 15), How to Prepare your Statement of Contributions & Expenditures (April 16),  How to Avoid COA Disallowances, Understanding Procurement Law, Citizens' Guide to Handling Search Warrants, Arrests & Seizures, Local Government & Real Property Taxation,  and more, you may log on to or call (+63 2) 842-7148/ 59 and 556-8968/ 69, Cebu lines: (+63 32) 512-3106 or 07, Baguio line: (+63 74) 423-5148 or Legazpi line: (+63 52) 736-0148.

In this one-day seminar workshop, attendees will learn the best practices, remedies and defenses of your SALN. Topics include how to correct prior years’ SALN, Networth Discrepancy Method of Detecting Ill-Gotten Wealth, Reconciling SALN with ITR, Certification, Waiver, Undertakings and more!

This will feature expert law practitioner and seasoned defense lawyer of many public officials with cases in the Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan, Atty. Jose Alvarez Gangan, CPA.  Presently, he is also the Managing Director of G & J Strategies, CEO of H&WB Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. and Chairman of the Board of Frontier Cove & Coast, Inc.  He also served as the Chief Legal Counsel of Teofisto T. Guingona, Jr. when he was a senator and the Executive Secretary to former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos. He received various commendations and awards including Most Outstanding CPA in Government Service (GACPA 1996), Hall of Fame Award, UE Alumni Association (2003), NEDA scholarship and Senior Executive Fellow, JFK School of Government, Harvard University (1997).  He is also holds the record of being the youngest CPA at 18 graduating cum laude at UE in 1974.  He specializes on defending public officials with cases with the Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan.  He serves as the course director and lecturer for this SALN program.

            Interested participants are encouraged to avail of the discounted rate for early payment and group discounts for 3 or more participants.  Seats are limited and pre-registration is required. 


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