The delay in obtaining the right-of-way (ROW) access is one of the major problems to complete the implementation of the government’s Build, Build, Build programs and investors’ infrastructure projects. To help address this issue, the Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP) will launch a training entitled, “Resolving Right-of-Way Issues” to be held on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at the Manila Marriott Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines. (For details and a complete list of seminars including Property Developer’s Official Guide to Condominium Law of the Philippines, Property Developers’ Guide to Subdivision Law of the Philippines, Best Practices in Creating Master Deed Contract, Property Owner’s Guide to Ejecting Illegal Dwellers Effectively. Learn everything you need to know about the best practices in solving your ROW problems and challenges. Topics will include the new Right-of-Way Act, salient features of its IRR, modes of acquisition and transfer, guidelines and process of exprop...
Seminar News and Events in Accounting, Business, Law, Marketing, Human Resource, Administration, and Trade by the Center for Global Best Practices Foundation