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Business Guide to the New Procurement Law IRR

President Rodrigo Duterte signed Executive Order 34 dated July 17, 2017 simplifying certain processes and procedure to make it faster and more efficient for national government agencies, LGUs and GOCCs to procure infrastructure, goods and services.  This is good news for those in the private sector who are doing business or plan to do business with the government.
To help all stakeholders understand these changes, the Center for Global Best Practices is hosting a one-time rerun this year for its pioneering two-day seminar entitled, “What You MUST Know About the Government Procurement Law IRR 2016” to be held on Thursday and Friday, April 5 & 6, 2018 at the Manila Marriott Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines. This seminar is part of a two-series program with the other one entitled, How To Prepare Your Bidding Documents (aligned with the new IRR) to be held on June 28 & 29 (at the Manila Marriott Hotel).  
The changes will impact on all government procurement and transactions with the private sector. The lecture will extensively discuss the revised implementing rules and regulations (IRR) aligning it with the new EO and how it affects certain government procurement processes and procedures, changes in the  BAC Composition and its Functions, Guidelines in the formulation and revision of APP, Registration, Eligibility Requirements and Submission of Bids under the PhilGEPS, Exemptions from Public Bidding, Form and Contents of Bidding Documents, Alternative Methods of Procurement and Eligibility Requirements for the Procurement of Infrastructure, Goods, and Services. 
The biggest buyer and consumer of infrastructure, goods and services is the government.   Those in the private sector participating in government transactions can win big if they fully understand the procurement law IRR. For public officials, avoid getting into trouble due to violation and ignorance of the procurement law. Failure to know these can lead to perpetual disqualification for holding public office including criminal and administrative cases based on Commission On Audit (COA) findings of irregular transactions. For the private sector, avoid disqualification due to non-compliance! Given the big money involved, you lose big when you get disqualified.

This is highly recommended for BAC chairpersons and their members, government officials in the national government agencies, LGUs and GOCCs as well as the business sector – suppliers, contractors and consultants and would be players -- who want to participate and do business with the Government.  Interested participants may avail of the early registration savings and group discounts for 3 or more participants. Pre-registration is required in this limited-seats-only event. Register early to ensure seat availability!

Others interested in this seminar may also like the following Best Practices programs:
1) How to Prepare Unsolicited Proposals for Government Projects (April 19 & 20, 2018)
2) Best Practices and Remedies to Avoid COA Disallowances (July 13, 2018)
3) Duterte Government's Revised PPP Program (August 10, 2018)
4) Local Government & Real Property Taxation (August 17, 2018)

The Center for Global Best Practices also accepts in-house training and consulting for individuals, families, and corporate clients. For complete details and complete of other Best Practices Programs, you may check, www. or call Manila lines at (+63 2) 842 -7148 or 59; 556 - 8968 or 59; Cebu lines at (+63 32) 512 - 3106 or 07 and Baguio lines at (+63 74) 423 - 5148.

#BestPractices #UpcomingSeminars2018 #PhilippinesConferences #BeFullyInformed #SeminarsPh #DuterteGovernmentProjects #BuildBuildBuildProgram #HowToDoBusinessWithPhilippineGovernment #DoingBusinessWithGovernment #ProcurementLawPh #2016ProcurementLawIRR #PhilippineGovernmentTraining #KnowYourProcurementLawPh


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