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Training on Protocol for Leaders

PROTOCOL is the universal language of diplomacy with a set of rules of conduct for those in business, government, politics, and any social gatherings. Leaders  must learn protocol to command more respect and gain a mark of distinction as someone with education, class finesse and skills at handling different types of people and situations. This is applicable for all government officials, diplomats, business people and for all social classes.

To equip you with the right knowledge and skills on this, the Center for Global Best Practices will host a special program entitled, “Best Practices in Business and Government Protocol” on Friday, May 18, 2018 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.

Some examples of protocol are:
   1) You never sit the president or head of state with his back behind a door for
        safety reasons.

   2) You give the seat of honor to your important guest in riding a car, airplane,
        or other mode of transport.

   3) There is protocol for addressing and meeting public officials and company

   4) There is a protocol for spouses, protocol for subordinates, and other
        members of the team.

There is so much to learn about protocol such as protocol during conferences, product launches, ribbon-cutting, company anniversaries, annual stockholders' and board meetings, and in everyday situations such as in entering an elevator, car, airplane when you are with your boss or your subordinates and guests.

In this special training, you will learn of these including the right protocol of introduction, social graces and etiquette. When you want to rub elbows with high-ranking officials, wind and dine with the kings and queens, the royalties and other VIPs, or simply wish to learn how to handle your subordinates, bosses, or your in-laws, it comes handy that you know your protocol. It is also helpful that you have a trained protocol officer, or a protocol manual in your organization to guide you in times when protocol calls for occasion.

This special program will feature Ambassador Jose Abeto Zaide (Ret), the former chief of protocol of the Department of Foreign Affairs.  As a career diplomat, he has 40 years of solid experience in diplomacy and foreign affairs, being assigned as Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and France. 

Another distinguished speaker is Mr. Ruy Y. Moreno, who is presently vice-chairman of the Center for Global Best Practices and concurrently holds the positions of chairman of the Philippine-Myanmar Business Council, executive director of the International Chamber of Commerce Philippines, and director for operations of the private sector-National Competitiveness Council (2008 to present). He brings with him a wealth of experience having been the managing partner in Arthur Andersen Vietnam (1990-2000), the first honorary consul general of the Philippines in Ho Chi Minh City (1995-2000).

Believe it or not, mastery of protocol spells the difference between success and failure in business, in your career and in your personal life. Interested participants are encouraged to avail of the early registration savings and group discounts of 3 or more.  This is a limited-seats-only event and pre-registration is required.

 You may also find of interest other Best Practices Programs:

   1)  Masterclass on Writing Minutes of Meetings (June 22, 2018)
   2)  Weapons in Argumentation (July 12 & 13, 2018)
   3)  How to Really Read Financial Statements (July 26 & 27, 2018)
   4)  How to Use Parliamentary Procedures for Effective Meetings
        (August 31, 2018)
   5)  Corporate Governance Board Effectiveness (November 9, 2018)

The Center for Global Best Practices also accepts in-house training and consulting for individuals, families and corporate clients. We invite you to check the website www. for a complete list of CGBP’s upcoming best practices program.

#BestPractices #UpcomingSeminars2018 #PhilippineConferences #SeminarsPh #PhilippineTraining  #CorporateEvents #CorporateTraining #BeFullyInformed #ProtocolOfficer #BusinessEtiquette #CorporateDiplomacy #CorporateProtocol #BusinessLanguage #OfficeManagement #TrainingforProtocolOfficer  #ProperDecorum #ProtocolisaKeytoSuccess #HowtoHandleVIPsandExecutives #BestPracticesinBusinessandGovernmentProtocol #BeaCorporateDiplomat #KnowYourProtocol #DistinguishYourselfAmongOthers #MasterCorporateProtocol


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