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Property Owners Guide to Ejecting Illegal Dwellers Effectively

A property owner’s worst nightmare is to have abusive squatters, professional squatting syndicates and unlawful tenants on his premises.  How do you eject abusive squatters effectively?

With the clamor of many who needs help on this, the Center for Global Best Practices is holding a one-day pioneering seminar entitled, “A Property Owner’s Guide to Ejecting IllegalDwellers Effectively:  Strategies, Legal Procedures, and Solutions” on Friday, April 22, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.

A precise knowledge of the correct legal remedies and practical extra-legal know how are essential if any contemplated action for the recovery of illegally detained land or building is to be successful. 

The seminar is about protecting your property from unlawful occupants and how to efficiently utilize ejectment actions and provisional remedies available as effective tools in the speedy recovery of your land or building so as to avoid further damage arising out of prolonged dispossession.  The lecture will include some special laws of great concern to land developers such as Republic Act No. 6552 (The Maceda Law) that governs sales on installment of real property, Presidential Decree No. 1517 (The Urban Land Reform Law), Republic Act No. 7279 (The Lina Law), Tenancy law and other related laws.

Participants in this program will also learn best practices, practical solutions and actual cases on how to implement and manage actual ejectment and demolition of shanties. Some subtle factual differences could mean the success or failure of an ejectment action.  Attend this seminar and avoid the costly mistakes and pitfalls of other property owners who have failed to evict unlawful occupants. This special program is a limited-seats only event with pre-registration required.  For inquiries, please call Manila lines (02) 842-714/ 59 & 556-8968/ 69; Baguio lines (074) 423-5148; Cebu lines: (+63 32) 512-3106 or 07 or check the website for this and other the upcoming seminars including Families’ Guide to Wills, Trusts, andInheritance, Local Government and Real Property Taxation, Best Practices inFamily Business Governance and Crafting Family Constitution, Professionalizing Your Family Business, and others at

Listen, learn and ask questions from a practicing judge and book author of the “Law on Ejectment,” Judge Danilo A. Manalastas, who will share relevant answers and landmark cases relating to problems posed by unlawful occupants on real property whether public or private. It will also feature Atty. Ferdinand M. Casis who is an expert in agrarian law.  He is a law professor at the Ateneo Law School and a lecturer at the Philippine Judicial Academy.  He was director of legal service at the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) from 1993 to 1995.  An investment in attending this one-day event is certainly a fraction of the cost compared to hiring a top notch lawyer charging you for hours of consulting fees.  Enrol NOW and solve your squatter problems!  Participants may avail of the early payment savings and group discount for 3 or more attendees. 


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