Legal educators RELOADED! This two-day faculty development program aims to present new law professors with best practices in teaching law, and introduce experienced law professors to innovations in curriculum development and teaching methods. This is designed to improve the overall teaching performance of law educators by exposing them to learner-centered, outcome based education, an array of teaching methods, classroom management and more!
This pioneering initiative is spearheaded by the Philippine Association of Law School (PALS) and the Center for Global Best Practices. Register on or before December 5 to avail of the early registration and payment discount!
If you are applying to be a law professor, this program will enhance your eligibility to teach at a PALS member school.
Title: Transformative Law Teaching
Date: January 5 & 6, 2018 (Friday & Saturday)
Venue: University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines
Interested participants may contact Center for Global Best Practices
Telephone Numbers:
Metro Manila: (+63 2) 842-714/ 59 & 556-8968/ 69
Baguio City: (+63 74) 423-5148
Cebu City: (+63 32) 512-3106 or 07
Legaspi City: (+63 52) 736-0148
We invite you to check the website www.cgbp.org for a complete list of CGBP’s upcoming seminars.
Partial list of other upcoming seminars:
1) How to Joint Venture Effectively with the Government
2) How To Structure & Compute Salaries Wages & Benefits
3) New Year Tax Updates and Remedies
4) How To Optimize Tax Savings and Deductions
5) Best Practices To Avoid COA Disallowances
6) How To Evict Squatters Effectively
7) How To Prepare Unsolicited Proposals
8) Compliance to the IRR of the Data Privacy Act
9) Weapons in Argumentation
10) Understanding the Revised Procurement Law IRR
11) and more!
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