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Showing posts from June, 2018

Managements' Guide on How to Really Read Financial Statements

How to make sense of financial reports is the typical challenge faced by decision-makers.  While many can read financial statements, only a few can correctly interpret and analyze the numbers to make the right decisions in board and management meetings. To help you master financial statements, the Center for Global Best Practices will host a special program entitled " How to REALLY Read Financial Statements for Board Directors & Decision-Makers " , on Thursday & Friday, July 26 & 27, 2018 at the Manila Marriott Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines. This easy-to-understand program is designed for non-finance decision-makers who make use of financial statements.  This is to help business owners, board directors and management make sense of the annual reports, income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows. You will be able to spot critical issues and ask smart questions that business owners and management need to know. Find out what is right, w

How to Conduct Strategic Planning — The Right Way

Jumpstart your planning sessions correctly with the beginning of mid-year planning season for 2019!   Many companies go through strategic planning sessions without a clue or a clear idea how this should be conducted – resulting to wasteful time, effort, resources and poor planning output. Strategic planning is the process that enables your company to define its strategies and allows you to formulate the courses of action it will take to effectively and efficiently pursue your vision. The best plans happen when you have a systematic planning process that is done the right way.  With this, the Center for Global Best Practices will host a pioneering program entitled, “Best Practices on How to Conduct Strategic Planning and Prepare Strategic Action Plans” to be held on Friday, July 20, 2018 at the Manila Marriott Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines. This special program will focus on teaching participants the best practices in the real word— coming up with an effective strategic

Best Practices & Remedies to Avoid COA Disallowances

With the intensified campaign of both the National Government and the Commission on Audit (COA) in their thrust towards good governance, there has been a clamor for a program to address the issue of COA disallowances and solutions for those encountering such problems.  To help solve your most pressing challenges regarding these, the Center for Global Best Practices is hosting a one-day special program entitled, " Best Practices and Remedies to Avoid COA Disallowances ", scheduled on Friday, July 13, 2018 at the Manila Marriott Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines. A quick example is the notion that there is a P2,000 limit per person when attending a  training conducted by a private entity.  This limit does not apply based on Department of Budget and Management circular 563 issued on April 22, 2016.  The training fee is allowed to go beyond the limit if the training of a  government employee or public official contribute to the enhancement of one's skill to the job or fiel