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Learn How to Evict Squatters Effectively

A property owner’s worst nightmare is to have abusive squatters, professional squatting syndicates and unlawful tenants on one’s own premises. 

With the clamor of those victimized by squatters and needs help to address such issue, the Center for Global Best Practices will host a program entitled, Property Owner’s Guide to Ejecting Illegal Dwellers Effectively: Strategies, Legal Procedures and Solutions to be held on Friday, November 16, 2018 at the Manila Marriott Hotel, Pasay City, Philippines.

The law on ejectment is a special law that is not really taught in law schools. Many lawyers make mistakes in filing such cases at the expense of the property owners.  A precise knowledge of the correct legal remedies and practical extra-legal know how are essential for a successful and speedy recovery and possession of your property. This program is to protect your property from unlawful occupants and how to efficiently utilize ejectment actions and provisional remedies available as effective tools in the speedy recovery of your land or building so as to avoid further damage arising out of prolonged dispossession.

The lecture will include some special laws of great concern to land developers such as Republic Act No. 6552 (The Maceda Law) that governs sales on installment of real property, Presidential Decree No. 1517 (The Urban Land Reform Law), Republic Act No. 7279 (The Lina Law), Tenancy law and other related laws.

Listen, learn and ask questions from four distinct lecturers namely Judge Danilo Manalastas, who is the author of book, "The Law on Ejectment"; Atty. Ferdinand M. Casis who is an expert in Agrarian Law, Engr. Agustin S. Torres, who will share his knowledge on how to peacefully resolve your problems under the building code of the Philippines and other creative ways, and lastly, Atty. Angelito F. Aguila, who is a director of Policy Development, Legislation and Special Projects Group (PDLSG) of Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council.

Note: Registration is open to the general public. Public officials and government employees attending these training programs are exempted from the P 2,000 limit set by COA based on Department of Budget and Management Circular 563 issued on April 22, 2016.

Interested Participants may choose to avail of the following:
a) 5% Early Registration Discount (valid until October 16)
b) 5% Payment Discount (valid until November 6)
c) 5% Group Discount (for 3 or more registrants)

You may also find of interest the following government and private sector-related topics among numerous CGBP Best Practices programs:

1) PPP Certification Course
     Module I: Policy and Legal Framework
     (Date be announced, 2019)

     Module II: Technical, Financial & Environmental
     November 8 & 9, 2018

     Module III: Contracts & Terms of Reference
     December 6 & 7, 2018

2) Business and Public Official's Guide on How to Joint Venture Effectively with the Government
      Friday, October 12, 2018

3)  How to Prepare Unsolicited Proposals for Government Projects
      Thursday and Friday, November 22 & 23, 2018

4) TRAIN Law + New Year Tax Updates
     Friday, January 18, 2019

5) Best Practices Guide on How to Import Goods to the Philippines
     Thursday, February 21, 2019

6) BIR Computerized Accounting System Compliance
     for Medium and Large Taxpayers
     Friday, February 22, 2019

7) Best Practices & Remedies to Avoid COA Disallowances
     Friday, March 22, 2019

8) What You Must Know About the Procurement Law IRR
     Wednesday and Thursday, April 3 & 4, 2019

9) Best Practices Guide on How to Prepare Your Bidding Documents
     Thursday and Friday, July 25 & 26, 2019

10) Resolving Right-of-Way Issues
     Friday, August 9, 2019

11) Local Government and Real Property Taxation
       Friday, September 13, 2019

12) Many more at

Interested participants may contact:
Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP)

Telephone Numbers:
Metro Manila: (+63 2) 842-7148 / 59 and (+63 2) 556-8968 / 69
Baguio City:     (+63 72) 423-2914
Cebu City:        (+63 32) 512-3106 or 07
Legaspi City:    (+63 52) 736-0148

CGBP also accepts in-house training and consulting services for individuals, families and corporate clients. We invite you to check the website for a complete list of CGBP's upcoming training programs.

#BestPractices #UpcomingSeminars2018 #PhilippineGovernment #PhilippineConferences #BeFullyInformed #SeminarsPh #PhilippineTraining #LocalGovernmentPh #EjectmentCases #ContractorsPh #BusinessProjects #PhilippineProjects #HousingProjects #InformalSettlersPh #DuterteGovernmentProjects #LandConversion #PublicPrivateSectors #ReclaimYourLand #PropertyOwnersPh #GovernmentBusinessesPh #BuildBuildBuildProgram #HowtoGetRidofInformalSettlers #RedevelopmentProjects #PropertyOwnersGuide #EjectingIllegalDwellers


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