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Showing posts from 2016

New Procurement Law IRR Takes Effect Oct. 28, 2016

The 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of the Procurement Law is now signed into law and will take effect on October 28, 2016. Don’t be left behind! These changes will impact on all government procurement and transactions with the private sector. With the clamor of many to hold this seminar in the Visayas, the Center for Global Best Practices will hold its last run of this pioneering two-day DILG accredited seminar entitled, “What You MUST Know About the Government Procurement Law IRR 2016” on Wednesday and Thursday, November 16 & 17 in Richmonde Hotel, Iloilo, Philippines. This is part of a two-series program with the other topic entitled, How To Prepare Your Bidding Documents (aligned with the new IRR) to be held on Dec. 2 & 3 in anticipation of the changes in the bidding documents.  For details and a complete list of best practices seminars including Best Practices In The Preparation, Defenses, and Remedies on SALN, Best Practices and Remedies to Avoid C

Best Practices on How To Conduct Strategic Planning

Many companies go through strategic planning sessions without a clue or a clear idea how this should be conducted -- resulting to wasteful time, effort, resources and poor planning output. Strategic planning is the process that enables a company to define its strategy and allows it to articulate the courses of action it will take to effectively and efficiently pursue its vision. The best plans happen when you have a systematic planning process that is done the right way.  Jumpstart your planning sessions correctly with the beginning of the planning season this mid-year or third quarter in preparation for 2017.  Where we once look at 100 million Filipinos as a market, we should now do our strategic plan based on 700-plus million consumers.  The Center for Global Best Practices will hold a pioneering one-day seminar entitled, “ Best Practices on How to Conduct Strategic Planning and PrepareStrategic Action Plans ” to be held on Thursday, August 11, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La H

How to Effectively Collect Debt Using SCC

Good news!  Whether you are a sole proprietor, a small or medium-sized enterprise, a large-scale company, a financing institution or a financier, collecting money from abusive debtors has now been made easier and faster.  You can present and argue your case in court with no lawyer required.  You can have a speedy trial with your case heard and resolved in one day with the judge’s final, executory, and non-appealable decision.  The Center for Global Best Practices is holding a one-day comprehensive seminar entitled, “Best Practices Guide in Using the Small Claims Court:  How to Collect Debt Without Using a Lawyer” on Friday, August 5, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.  The establishment of the Small Claims Court has made settlement of collection cases become more convenient, less complicated and generally hassle-free. Banks all over the country have also been using this and have proven it very effective. For more details and other upcoming best prac

Best Practices for the Board’s Audit Committees

With SECs mandatory requirement for corporations’ board of directors to practice good corporate governance comes the importance of having a functioning audit committee headed by a member of the board.   This is one of the reasons why corporations are now focused on strengthening the effectiveness of their audit committees.  To address the clamour of board directors and management for a professional and formal training on this very important issue, the Center for Global Best Practices is re-running its yearly pioneering CPD-accredited best practices program entitled, Board Directors’ Guide for Audit Committees to be held on Wednesday and Thursday of July 6 & 7, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines This unique program is designed for board chairmen who must fully understand the functions and roles of audit committees to lead effectively, for the audit committee members and chair so they know what they must really do and not do, for the board directors

Psychology of Success to Attain Authentic Happiness at Work

Achieving the right mental and emotional state is necessary for any level of success in any field of endeavor, whether it be business, personal or spiritual life.  Unfortunately, most of our mental and emotional faculties do not seem to be under our direct control.  We feel things that we would rather not.  We do things that we know are wrong or unproductive.  For example, we all know gossiping, back stabbing, favoritism, bias, deceit, and inauthenticity create a sick culture of negative politics in the office, and yet we find ourselves participating in it nonetheless.  This all happens because there are unconscious obstacles that seem to block our every move towards the life we want to live.  The problem is that in most cases, we are unaware that these obstacles are even operating.  We need to know what these are, if we are to be successful in building good relationships, a happy work and family life, and a successful business.  These are the things we need to know and accomplish

Best Practices in the Preparation, Remedies and Defenses of SALN - Earn CPD Credits!

Accountants and lawyers can play a big role with providing services to public officials in the preparation of their Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net worth (SALN).  Many in government, especially the incoming newly elected ones, get into trouble because they are clueless about it.  More than 70% of public officials and government employees do not take to heart the preparation and filing of their SALNs when they should be. Many of them simply rely on their secretaries who are not skilled enough in preparing these really important documents. These days, we constantly hear news of public officials from national government agencies, GOCCs and LGUs suspended from office by the Ombudsman and convicted by the Sandiganbayan because of incorrect and erroneous SALN.  This has caused the downfall of leaders with their impeachment/ conviction and removal from office while others are in jail awaiting completion of their trial with their reputation sullied and destroyed – all acc

Professionalizing Your Family Business – The RIGHT Way!

You are a startup success.  Fine!  But if you want to achieve your big ambitions and sustain the continued growth of your family business, you need to professionalize it the RIGHT way.  Businesses go through stages of development from new venture, expansion and growth stage, then comes professionalization.  This is according to Dr. Eric Flamholtz of the highly acclaimed book, “Growing Pains”. The new venture and expansion stages constitute the entrepreneurial phase of organizational development.  It is during these two stages of growth that the classic skills of entrepreneurship are most relevant.  It is also during this phase that the need to make the transition from entrepreneurship to an entrepreneurially oriented, professionally-managed organization begins to occur.  Those family businesses who are able to transition successfully experience a more rewarding and fulfilling journey in growing their businesses.  How to professionalize is the challenge of most family businesses. 

Business Guide to Set Up an Internal Audit System (CPD-accredited)

When do you know it’s time to set an internal audit function for your business? An internal audit group or a person is essential as soon as you start delegating key functions to other people such as finance, cash disbursements and receipts, procurement of inventories, maintenance, and even marketing. Someone has to review if the work is done right and complying with policies and procedures to ensure that no cheating, fraud or abuse is happening.  The Center for Global Best Practices is launching this special CPD-accredited program entitled, “ Best Practices on How to Set Up an Internal Audit System ” on Thursday and Friday, May 19 & 20, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.  For details and a complete list of seminars including Best Practices for Audit Committees, you may log on to or contact program leader Lara Magnait via email; Manila landlines 842-7148/ 59 & 556-8968/ 69 or Cebu lines: (032) 512-3106/ 07; Baguio

Filipinos Guide in Handling Expats and Foreigners

How do you deal effectively with expats and foreigners? This program becomes even more relevant given the ongoing ASEAN integration where we expect more interaction with more foreigners. Understanding cultural diversity is your key to success whether you are communicating, dealing and negotiating with people of different nationalities whether they are your colleagues or bosses at work, clients or stakeholders in business, or even partners in life or in-laws. The Center for Global Best Practices presents will host a one-day special seminar entitled, " Filipinos' Guide in Handling Expatriates and Foreigners ” to be held on Thursday, May 19, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-la Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.  This will feature the best practices and global gold standard in cultural diversity training that will provide you with authoritative research studies and proven practical ways to give you a deeper understanding of how to effectively work and interact with people fro

Boost Your Children’s Memory Power by 100% This Summer!

You cannot learn what you cannot memorize and you can definitely maximize learning, improve your grades and excel in class comes school opening if you can memorize better. The Center for Global Best Practices is launching its Super Memory program summer class for you and your children.  The learning methods that will be taught is proven to boost one’s ability to memorize effectively by 100% to 200% more! Have your children spend their vacation wisely by enrolling them in a three Saturday-sessions workshop on “ Super Memory Program for Students & Parents ” scheduled on May 14, 21 and 28, 2016 at The 5-star Bellevue Hotel in Alabang, Muntinlupa City, PhilippinesFor details and a complete list of super memory programs including Super Memory for Executives and Professionals , Super Memory for Law Students and Lawyers , and more, you may log on to or call (+63 2) 842-7148/ 59 and 556-8968/ 69, Cebu lines (+63 32) 512-3106 or 07, Baguio line (+63 74) 423-5148 and Lega

Learn Your Tax Rights and Remedies

How do you deal fairly and squarely with the BIR tax authorities when there are disputes in your tax assessments? What do you do when they knock on your door for a tax mapping, audit or when you are presented with a letter of authority to inspect your books?  To address these issues and help individual and business taxpayers, the Center for Global Best Practices will conduct its yearly seminar entitled, “Tax Rights and Remedies for SMEs and Large Taxpayers” on Friday, May 6, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.  ( For details and a complete list of seminars including Families' Guide to Estate and Tax Planning, A Guide to Wills and Trusts , Taxation of Professionals, and more, you may log on to or call (02) 842-7148/ 59 and 556-8968/ 69, Cebu lines: (032) 512-3106 or 07 or Baguio line: (074) 423-5148.)    In this one-day seminar, you will know the taxpayer’s rights that matter, understand the BIR’s bases of assessment, how to craft
Successful world-class organizations sustain competitiveness by implementing a compensation system that truly works. In a strong economy, you get to reward the right behaviors and output of your people.  In a downward economy, this is an effective way to stay afloat while keeping your best people in the company.  To learn about this, the Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP) is launching a pioneering seminar entitled, Best Practices in Performance-Based Compensation to be held on Thursday and Friday, May 5 & 6, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.  In this two-day comprehensive seminar, you will learn the best practices on how to develop a robust Performance Management System (PMS) that is easy to implement, fair, equitable and will motivate all employees of all levels to perform at their best.   You will also learn how to link PMS to the organizational strategies, directions and values to ensure that all employees are moving towards attaining

Citizen’s Guide to Handling Search Warrants, Arrests and Seizures

Do you know how to distinguish the difference between real and fake warrant of arrest or search warrant? Many abuse the use of this legal document for intimidation and harassment. Fraudsters use it to gain entry in your residences or facilities or even abduct their victims. And what do you do in case of seizure of your assets? How we all wish we learned this in school.  With the clamor of many who want learn how to address this challenging issues, the Center for Global Best Practices will be launching this unique seminar entitled, “ Citizen’s Guide to Handling Search Warrants, Arrests and Seizures ” scheduled on Wednesday & Thursday, May 4 & 5, 2016 at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. For details and a complete list of best practices seminars including How To Collect Debt Without A Lawyer Using the Small Claims Court , Best Business Practices On How To Set Up An Internal Audit System , Best Practices for Manager of Managers, and more, you may log on t

Property Owners Guide to Ejecting Illegal Dwellers Effectively

A property owner’s worst nightmare is to have abusive squatters, professional squatting syndicates and unlawful tenants on his premises.  How do you eject abusive squatters effectively? With the clamor of many who needs help on this, the Center for Global Best Practices is holding a one-day pioneering seminar entitled, “ A Property Owner’s Guide to Ejecting IllegalDwellers Effectively:  Strategies, Legal Procedures, and Solutions ” on Friday, April 22, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. A precise knowledge of the correct legal remedies and practical extra-legal know how are essential if any contemplated action for the recovery of illegally detained land or building is to be successful.  The seminar is about protecting your property from unlawful occupants and how to efficiently utilize ejectment actions and provisional remedies available as effective tools in the speedy recovery of your land or building so as to avoid further damage ar

Developing and Leading High-Performance Teams

When management invests in the training of groups to become highly effective teams, organizations reap the advantage of better operational performance and higher profitability for the business. The Center for Global Best Practices invites you to this one-day world-class seminar entitled, " Developing and Leading High-Performance Teams " , scheduled on Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.  This will feature US-based trainer, Dr. Phillip R. Ash who will be in the Philippines to conduct this training.  He was the training director of the Asian Development Bank who spearheaded the re-alignment efforts that transformed ADB’s functional approach towards HR to a more strategic focus.   He will share many of his actual experiences and best practices when he facilitated different management groups at ADB in transforming themselves into highly effective and productive teams.  For details and a complete li

Best Practices In the Preparation, Defenses and Remedies of SALN

Don’t be a victim! If you are a public official, part of a GOCC, or a candidate running for public office, take your Statement of Assets, abilities and Networth (SALN) seriously and invest in preparing it correctly. Graft and corruption cases are filed against many public officials and government employees due to their erroneous SALN. More than 70% of them do not take to heart the preparation and filing of their SALNs. You should.  A president was ousted in office while another one is on trial. Chief justice impeached. Senate president out on bail, senators in jail, congressmen and other public officials with cases in the Ombudsman and the Sandiganbayan – all accused of graft and unexplained wealth with their questionable Statement of Assets Liabilities and Networth (SALN).       This has caused the freezing and forfeiture of their assets, downfall of leaders with their impeachment/ conviction and removal from office while others are in jail awaiting completion of their

Employees, employers lose when they don’t know this NEWS!

We are so surprised that so many companies including top 1,000 corporations are still unfairly deducting so much from you in taxes because they still don’t know how to compute your compensation with the new tax-exempt rules that took effect last year.  Its money taken from your salary that should go to your savings, food, and family.  There is no excuse.  Employees lose! This is big news.  Tell your employers.  Insists they learn about it. To help the millions of taxpayers and thousands of business organizations address the labor and tax concerns regarding this regulation, the Center for Global Best Practices is launching a pioneering seminar for business owners, decision-makers,  HR practitioners, employees entitled "How to Structure and Compute Your Salaries, Wages & Benefits with the New Tax Rules" scheduled on Thursday, April 14, 2016 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. This one-day seminar is for individual and corporate taxpayers, whet